Thank you for your pursuit of all things whole and healthy!

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Hey Jeff, I cannot agree more with the Smartphone thing. It's an incredible bit of technology that is immensely convenient - and yet I hate having one. I struggle with it. Every. Single. Day. I am definitely not addicted. The phone is like a whiny little kid that follows you around wanting and demanding attention 24/7, and then when you give it to them, it wants MORE AND MORE. And I say this as someone with all my notifications always off and my phone always on silent. I don't think people are allowed healthy boundaries anymore. The landline provided contact but healthy time frames, boundaries & expectations. The smartphone has obliterated them! The unspoken assumptions and expectations about having to reply back so quickly; the free access to you; the constant updates and stimulation and data and life input - and that's just from family! Not to mention the constant interruptions!!! There's Just. Too. Much. And it cheapens the value and the experience of really appreciating a great cat video or a heartwarming photo sent to you - when there is so much sent to you. The entire pace of life has sped up, and no one can keep up. And the everyday experience of physical reality is altered so drastically and no one seems to notice or care! And the way it constantly is designed to distract us, and trigger us, so obvious yet also sneaky. It's not a step forward in human consciousness that's for sure (only a step forward in a technological device that can multi task). I have wanted to give up my phone for a long time now, but as each year passes, it becomes harder and harder to do so, and Life Admin functions, such as banking, email sign ins, etc, often require a mobile phone. And I know it would hurt the feelings of family member's. It's a weight on my shoulders every day, unfortunately.

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Dear Jeff... what a rare opportunity! I have had some fine-granulation questions I've asked myself in the past six months and would have jumped at the chance to float any of them in your direction! Alas, (ha ha ha) in this moment, not one of them are hanging around in my skull cavity. However, if one does arise, I now know where to direct it. Thank you for the opening you've offered us.

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